Everyone knows the feeling of being a little short on cash before payday. Sometimes it is possible to coast through and make it but other times, if a bill is due or groceries need to be purchased, a person needs an alternative to getting a little extra money to cover expenses. Payday Loans Omaha are a great way to get the funds needed without asking for an advance at work or borrowing money from a friend. There are several steps to applying for a payday loan.
Gathering the Necessary Documentation
In order to apply for Payday Loans In Omaha, customers need to have certain documentation to proceed. Just like any other lender, the payday loan company is taking a risk and they want to be sure that they know who is getting the money and how they will be able to recover the funds. Customers must have some type of picture identification to present when applying in person. If applying online, it may be necessary to upload a copy of a drivers license or similar type of identification. Most lenders also require a copy of a recent bank statement, a check, and a recent pay stub. It is not unusual for a lender to ask for a utility bill to verify the address as well.
Filling Out the Application
The application for Payday Loans Omaha requires that customers provide personal information including name, address, housing status, and phone number. Applicants must also provide contact information for the employer and checking account information. Everything included on the application will be backed up with the documentation a person brings along.
It is also important for a person applying for a payday loan to list out personal references. All of the information gathered provides the lender with information to track down a person on the off chance that he or she skips a payment or does not come through with the necessary cash to pay back the loan.
Getting the Cash
Once the paperwork is complete, the lender provides a set amount of cash to the customer. At this time, a contract is signed that details that fees that are involved in the loan and the repayment terms. When applying online, customers often have the money transferred directly into their checking accounts.