If you are looking to ensure your financial future is stress free, then it may be time to talk to a financial planner. They can look at your current financial situation and help you determine what steps need to be taken to ensure your long term financial security, both now and in the future. Don’t wait another day when you can start working towards your goals of retirement and financial freedom. One of the most popular firms for this is Manhattan Woloshen & Herman C.P.A. If you have never hired a firm for this before, then the process may overwhelm you. Here are three tips to help you make the best choice for you individual financial situation. Certification One of the first things you should verify is whether or not they are certified in financial planning. They should use the title Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and should have proof from the licensing company of their training. If you choose a certified planner you can rest assured that they have the training and experience to help you choose how to invest your money wisely. Fees You should get a list of any and all fees the planner may charge for their services upfront. This will help ensure that you know what you are responsible for before you enter into any kind of a contract. Don’t let large fees eat up your investment. Make sure you receive a listing of any and all fees you may be charged with so you can enter into the process with as much knowledge as possible. Code of Ethics You should ask to see a copy of the code of ethics that the financial planner uses. While the verbiage involved will vary from person to person, your fiduciary interests should always be number one, and that should be spelled out clearly in their ethics procedures. You should keep a file of this in your personal files should you feel your rights have been violated. Don’t wait another day. Contact Manhattan Woloshen & Herman C.P.A. today so you can see how easy and affordable it can be to ensure your future financial success.
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